The male partner has to sit on the ground, extending the legs forward.
Female has to sit on male partner's lap facing each other.
The female should be in control. The female will be superior in this position.
Both partners are free to move hands on other partners back.
The female has to inhale and hold breathe for some time. Stop to exhale.
Female may do this until enough energy is flowing through her.
When the movements are started, start very slowly painless and enjoyable to both partner. Try to do the slow movements as much as possible.
If any of the partners gets over excited breathing should reduce the excitement. To do this breathe in and hold breathe for some time. Then exhale as slow as you can.
Communication is the key. If the male cannot stop excitement by breathing exercise, he may go into orgasm. To prevent this and prolong orgasm ask the female to slowdown or stop.
Couples uses different techniques for communication. Speaking may be distractful. One common technique is to tap on partners back by hand. For example two taps means stop, one tap means restart, three taps means slow down.